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Tai Ravedutti

Casal Garcia Bolos e Bem-Casados

03.17 · 03.18 - Marketing Internship

During this period i was responsable for the most of marketng area, including creation and promotion of campaigns and for capturing and editting photo and video.

I consider as high points of this experience: "Valentine's Day Kit" and "Lace Brownie", also the development and promotion of christmas catalog, leading to a significant increase in sales at this time in comparision to previous years.

Zamboni Comercial

04.18 · 07.19 - Design Internship

In this internship i was responsible for the development of weekly posters, news comunication and promotional stuff for events, I also sometimes was in the head of the photo and video capture and editing.

Of this phase I can highlight digital insertion of products on images and big events photography, as well as having more contact with the bureaucratic processes of budget approval and organization of institutional and sales events.

Contact me :)

Seus detalhes foram enviados com sucesso!

Where to find me

🇪🇸  Castellón de la Plana (until 03/20)

🇧🇷  Rio de Janeiro (from 04/20)


+34 642 73 68 23

© 2016 por Tai Ravedutti.

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